Rust Oxidation & Preservation

2 products

    Preservation and protection for your rust decoration

    Where it does not belong, rust should be removed as soon as possible. However, with our rusty decorative objects, it's all about preserving the actual condition and maintaining the nostalgic layer. So that you can enjoy the chic vintage look of the artfully designed accessories for aslong as possible , we offer you the right rust deco care: Owatrol Oil.

    Applied regularly, the care product stops the corrosion process and preserves the metal objects in their current constitution. Thus, the cute decorative metal animals, fence stools, plant bowls, little hearts and crowns remain just as pretty as you want them to be - and permanently!

    2 products
    Anwendung einer Owatrol Öl Rostversiegelung zur Rostschutzbehandlung von Metallteilen.
    Owatrol oil rust sealant | preservation precious rust garden decoration rust decoration
    40,24 €
    Sold Out
    Anwendung von Owatrol-Öl zur Rostversiegelung auf Metall.
    Owatrol OIL Spray / Seal rust
    30,16 €
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